Weekly Harvest 13th April 21

13th April 2021

I picked a whole load and yet it seemed to make no difference to what was still in the ground, it is so nice to have rhubarb back. We of course celebrated with rhubarb crumble. We have also been eating gently steamed purple sprouting, I cut off a load from one of the plants, there is more on its way it seems and the second plant I haven’t started with. Hopefully we will be eating a bit more next week then.

Of course, I pulled up some leeks. Pulling a lot more now as they really need to start to come out of the ground and I think we are about half way through.

2021 B/F £28.01

leek- 525g£1.16
rhubarb – 867g£5.70
purple sprouting – 101g£1.10
RUNNING 2021 TOTAL -£20.05

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