Blackcurrants and burning

The final bit of pruning, this time the blackcurrant bushes, it will be interesting to see how they get on over the year, some of the bushes look newer than others.

Super cold weather, but blue sky and while it was windy at the bottom of the hill, at the top on the plot it was peaceful.   First trip out with the small flask of coffee, it worked very well.

After pruning, more digging with the hope to finish it off, but I got delayed by hitting deep roots which I expect are coming off of the trees the other side of the fence.

Quick trip to B&Q for an incinerator, and picking up some old newspapers off of someone on Freecycle.   All the prunings I had collected from the gooseberries, raspberries, and the blackcurrants, plus a load of weeds, had all mostly dried out and were easy to light.   Some bits were still a bit green resulting in thick white smoke.

While this was going on, we placed the raised beds to where we wanted them and put in layers of newspapers at the bottom of each, just need some compost now to fill them. .


Quick check on garlic, most rows have all come up
Looks a bit of a mess, but it’s not…


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