Bamboo canes were hard to find, they had a Costa coffee shop but the first garden centre was lacking on much to do with the garden. The second garden centre, well known for its “tent superstore” and small animal shed (which seemed to now be a butchers – one way to get rid of old stock…) had what we were looking for. We bought a pack of 10, along with some compost. We didn’t need breakfast and coffee as we had done that at the previous one and it was still a bit early for lunch.
The week had been a mixture of warm weather and a day of rain which meant everything had grown on the plot. Most of all the trees on the land the otherside of the fence which now had thick growth overhanging the plot. The trees are on the North and so they don’t shade the plot, I’m not too worried.
I bought along the courgette plants which been outside in the garden in pots for a last couple of weeks, they are now flowering which made me thinking it was time to plant them. I put two in one of the raised beds, the remaining too came back home with us, I’m not too sure what to do with them.
I erected two wigwams for the beans, runner beans and french beans. I read later on the packet that the french beans wouldn’t climb a great deal, but they have them should they wish to change their mind and climb a bit higher. I am not convinced the raised beds are deep enough, we will see what happens.
Broad beans planted last month had grown a lot and the seeds planted to fill the gaps were starting to come up. I had one more broad bean plant from home (it hadn’t come up last time) to plant and so I extended the size of the bed. Digging over and removing bindweed roots, raking and making ready for planting. I now had more gaps by adding an extra row, so I put in some more seed.
I sowed the rest of the row of :
- salsify
- carrots
- turnips
Last week’s beet leaf is starting to show. Carrots may be appearing in places but not greatly, hopefully the second sowing will be a bit more successful, and I’ll do one more row maybe next week too. I didn’t think we would have any leeks but they are now showing not only in the beds but in the pots too where I sowed them ages ago. Hopefully they will all catch up and be ready to re-plant next month.
Salsify has done well do far, we have never grown it (or even heard of it!) before so interesting times. Spring onions are coming up but seem to be competing with nasturtiums from a previous year. Nice to have, but maybe in the wrong place. I put a small row of radishes next to the spring onions.
We ran out of time and could had spent a lot longer. Next weekend we will see what seeds we have and work out where to put them. We also have sprout and calabrese plants growing at home, which too have loved the warmth and rain.

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