The main lot of winter planting is complete now with the planting of broad beans (Aquadulce Claudia). I’ve put open plastic bottles over the top of where I have planted these which I’ll take off once they get going. It was good to see garlic and onions showing after less than a month since planting.
A lot of tidying up of leaves from the overhead trees and a small bit of weeding. On the first day after the clocks changing the weather seemed a lot colder, the Christmas potatoes were still holding on but I expect by the next visit all the leaves will have died off from the cold. I expect I’ll leave them in the ground for a while and not dig them up for a month or so.
I cut another white cabbage, we have one left which is the largest one. I also pulled our first celeriac which was quite small. Pulled lots of carrots and interesting to see the results of the experiment of transplanting carrots from little plants. Everyone says it is not a good idea to do this, and they are right! Each transplanted carrot pulled looked like it was going to be long and straight, but came out pretty deformed. Whereas most of the sown carrots have come up looking much like big long carrots. The only reason I tried this is because I thought the direct sown ones would not make it, but they did. A bit worried now about the parsnips that all look good on the surface but were transplanted…
I wasn’t going to take much home but it seemed like a winter vegetable day:
- carrots
- beetroot (pulled plants up to clear room for the broad beans)
- turnips
- celeriac
- broccoli
- white cabbage
- chard
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