The night time temperature was mid 20c and by the morning it was back up to 30. It did rain for about 10 minutes during the night and then minutes later it had all dried up again. I wasn’t surprised then that there were casualties on the plot when we went up during the week. One of the chard plants had bolted and the radish seedlings planted at the weekend had frazzled away to nothing. The swede though had survived and started to grow. The sprout plants had doubled in size meaning I will have to raise the netting quite soon.
We planted some beetroot plants and I covered them with netting to keep off the strong sun. I uncovered the carrots but did keep netting around them, hopefully the bugs that attacked them last time will not come back (the parsnips seem ok now and not affected).
The butternut squash and pumpkin plants have done nothing for weeks which is a bit strange, they don’t seem to like where they are planted.
We did bring some bits home just to keep us going until the weekend:
- chard
- french beans
- courgettes (first lot of yellow ones)
- cucumbers, millions of them
- radish
The weekend gave us the opposite weather, this time it was raining although was not cold. I had held off transplanting carrot seedlings until now as the super hot weather would sizzle them to nothing, planting them in damp soil on a damp day seemed better. While you are not meant to sow carrots in pots and transplant out it was a last minute thing to replace all the carrots that had been eaten by bugs. As it turned out, a load of second sowing straight in the ground took and so these transplanted carrots (which were going to fill the holes) had to find a different place.
I wasn’t going to pick much at the weekend, but we did leave with:
- potatoes (a rogue potato plant I dug up gave us over 500g of potatoes)
- baby carrots (thinings, orange ones and yellow ones)
- beetroot
- cucumbers (we now have 12 of them in the fridge!)
- raspberries (some really big ones)
- apples (a couple of small ones from the tree)
I also sowed:
- more swede
- turnip
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