Weekly Harvest 23th July 2019

23th July

I’ve been watching the onions slowly dying back over the last month and each time thinking that in a couple of weeks they will be ready for pulling. That couple of weeks arrived this week when me and Tom had a late night onion session followed by an even later night ‘onion putting out to dry’. It then decided to rain really heavy for the next couple of days but since then it has been really hot and sunny.

We’ve continued to pick beans, beetroot and cucumbers, we started picking courgettes and there is another phase of rhubarb starting.

I thinned the carrots thinking we might get some small baby carrots but because of the pest damage there is not that much spacing needing. A pity as I pulled a baby yellow carrot and it looked really good.

B/F £99.17

Carrots – 1g £0.01
Coloured Carrots – 13g£0.17
Peas – 4g£0.49
Turnip – 5g£0.13
Beetroot – 276g£0.92
French Beans – 209g£0.28
Radish – 5g£0.13
Chard – 80g£0.60
Ridge Cucumbers – x7£9.73
Rhubarb – 186g£0.70
Red Onions – 209g£0.28
Onions – 6.46kg£6.33
Courgette – 198g£0.42
RUNNING 2019 TOTAL £119.36

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