Tidying up – autumn is coming

On Thursday you could still convince yourself it was summer, on Friday you knew that autumn would soon be on its way. The summer feel in the air had been replaced by cold, the bright sunshine replaced by blinding low light. The plot needed a good weed and tidy and it felt a good time to prepare a bed for onions to over winter, something I will purchase and plant next month.

I double dug the bed taking time to remove stones and bindweed roots, that was the real reason for the digging. I’m all for nodig but I’m not convinced when it comes to bindweed. I’m under no illusion that my digging today will have got rid of it and there is nothing to stop the roots spreading over. It has however removed a great deal of it. Back to nodig, I did finish it off with a layer of spent mushroom compost and it is now all ready for next month.

The swede and turnip have been looking after themselves since planting the small plants the other month. They have been covered but they don’t really need to be, and now some of them are too big for this. I uncovered and weeded. I also tidied up the celeriac plants which caused a nice aniseed smell as I pulled off dying leaves. It all looks a lot tidier.

I ended up taking quite a bit home:

  • beetroot
  • carrots
  • chard
  • kale
  • tomatoes (doing so much better on the plot than the ones at home)
  • cabbage
  • beans (probably the last lot)
  • cucumbers (finally, I think they have stopped)
  • courgette

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