Weekly Harvest 10th Sept 2019

10th September


Lots of beetroot with the idea that I will pickle some of them as currently anything that is not moving is getting pickled. The multi-sowing of these has worked out well, it doesn’t look like we have many left but as they are mostly in groups of three there is a lot more than it looks.

Tomatoes, both small yellow ones and some medium sized plum tomatoes with a slight dark stripe like a tiger.

It could be the end of the cucumbers, I didn’t see any small ones as I pick those that were ready.

Still thinning carrots, I have moved onto the ones I sowed following the beetle attack. They were now a bit over crowded so I pulled some of the larger ones in the middle, they all happened to be coloured ones including a really good looking dark red one.

I prepped a first bed for winter, the old pea bed which in a couple of months may have onions. My first expensive for a while was two bags of spent mushroom compost, one of these went on top of this tidied up bed.

B/F £216.01

Ridge Cucumber – 3£4.17
Coloured Carrots – 140g£1.87
Broccoli – 89g£0.16
Courgette – 244g£0.53
Runner beans – 56g£0.34
Beetroot – 522g£1.74
Tomato – 550g£4.89
Chard – 200g£1.50
Kale – 20g£0.18
Cabbage – 295g£0.50
RUNNING 2019 TOTAL £229.54

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