Weekly Harvest 3rd Sept 2019

3rd September

Not much this week as we have been away, but I knew there would be a number of of tomatoes and cucumbers wanting to be picked and so a quick evening visit before it got too dark took place. The tomatoes on the plot have done much better than the ones at home, possibly because they get the sun all day whereas at home the sun does not feature much at this time of the year.

I have been pondering about picking a cabbage, they were all looking pretty good a week ago but seemed to suffer from the recent heat and something has been eating holes in them. They still look good, but not as good as they did before and so I decided to take one of them home just in case.

I pulled a couple of carrots too, a normal organge Nantes and a yellow coloured one. Both were a good size and dead straight – which was nice.

B/F £201.10

Ridge Cucumber – 6£8.34
Cabbage – 472g£0.79
Carrot – 75g£0.08
Coloured Carrot – 124g£1.65
Tomatoes – 383g£3.40
Chard- 106g£0.80
RUNNING 2019 TOTAL £216.01

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