Cutting back

A walk up to the allotment in the afternoon showed that following the recent cold and windy weather when nothing grew, it’s only taken a couple of warmer days for things to explode. This was pretty evident with the undergrowth from the field next to the plot that was now taking over. Cutting back included using the saw and some pretty thick branches, I thought I had done this earlier on in the year but it seems a lot more was needed.

The plot looks a bit empty, mostly because things such as beetroot, carrots, peas, and beans are all growing at home. We prepped the ground for cabbages and such things which will be ready to plant out pretty soon. I am going with using pallet collars with netting over the top to keep birds off.

The rhubarb seems to be suffering in that it doesn’t seem like we have had a lot of it yet. Hopefully clearing all the growth from the field will help a bit, get a lot more light and rain. Broad beans however are doing well and we were able to pick quite a lot to bring home.

Back at home we have been eating radish and finished all the “pre-Covid19” ones. Lettuce is just about ready to start taking the first leaves off, and the second sowing of radish we will start to eat next week. I sowed some more undercover, and I notice some of the direct sown ones from the other day starting to show.

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