Weekly Harvest 19th May 20

19th May 2020

The advantage of having things growing at home is starting to pay off with lunch times being able to pick lettuce and radish as needed. Of course, this wouldn’t work as well if I were not working from home too, so not everything is bad these days. Lunch times at work are certainly slower and nicer.

We had a visit to the allotment and were able to come back with a load of broad beans which again have been given zero care really over the winter and yet are giving loads of beans. We won’t have as many as last year simply because we didn’t plant as many, I don’t know why not.

2020 B/F -£21.02

Radish- 113g£1.06
Broad Beans- 560g£2.41
Lettuce – 93g£0.22
RUNNING 2020 TOTAL -£17.33

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