Pulling carrots in the rain

I sowed celeriac back in the spring, looked after the seedlings as they grew, kept them watered and looking strong. I prepared the bed nicely, added lots of organic matter and all that. I finally planted out all the seedlings, watered them in and then…. something eat most of them.

Actually, I think it was more the hot weather we had killed them off and yet I made sure they had plenty of water and mulch. Four survived and so not all was lost, and that’s all part of how things work out sometimes. So I sowed some late carrots to fill the space. I already had two rows of carrots at home but they all looked like they might not come to much and so more carrots is never a bad thing.

In the end, the carrots at home were not too bad, not massive at all but more that expensive baby veg type size that you get all pre-packed in M&S. Not a disappointment but not the massive carrots I was hoping for. Meanwhile on the plot, the carrots continued to grow and I noticed the other week that some of them were actually quite big. Being the end of October, I thought it was probably time to pull them up and having done so I got the large carrots, both orange and coloured, that I was hoping for. These I will chop up and freeze.

The remaining celeriac continued but never had a good life, as now it was the carrots that were over shadowing them. Saying that, we do have 4 small’ish celariacs which will stay in the ground for a month or two and will still be used.

The plan for this morning was carrots (pulling) and broad beans (planting). The broad beans planted the other week were all up, but I wanted to plant the normal Aquadulce Claudia beans that I normally sow for over winter.

It was a mixture of sun and heavy rain for most of the morning and so I didn’t hang around for too long. I did dig up some of the rogue potato plants which had mostly all died back. That gave us a meal’s worth of potatoes which was rather nice.

Upon getting home, an extra surprise, the clocks had gone backwards and I had gained an hour.

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