Not much to say about the storms the day before, I had tied things up the night before after the “pre-storm”. I picked up a tomato plant and that was it. It does seem some of the tomatoes seem a bit ‘blighty’ which is a annoying. It’s been wet and warm for the last couple of weeks and so I’m not too surprised. The wind has battered them a lot and they are not doing as well as the ones in the garden which get sheltered a lot from the wind.
I bought up trays of purple sprouting and swede plants to the plot to put in the ground that I prepared the other day. I dibbed holes and put them in deep, covered them in netting. Previously I have covered swede plants to stop the birds but last year I had a lot of caterpillars and so this year I have covered them in netting to stop the butterflies too.
Looking at the weather for the day it suggested there would be a small window of sun at around 7am, so I got to the plot for that time. It has been ages since I have gone really early, which is a shame as it’s the best time to be there. I started the morning by digging the second row of potatoes. These were due to be dug up last month with the first row but because there was such a large amount of potatoes from that we left the others in the ground. These were Charlottes and so was not expecting as many a the first row which were Maris Piper. The extra time in the ground maybe meant the sizes were larger than I was expecting, some up to jacket potato size. Not a problem, and it was another good row of potatoes. The last two rows are for later on this month. Off of our first harvest, we have been eating a lot of potatoes these last weeks, which has been great.
Back home, I made space and planted out spinach plants where the peas once were. I noted the continuing growth of some of the squash and butternut squash. I picked our first tomato! Last year hardly any got to turn red, I made a lot of green tomato chutney. I wonder if this year might be the same. The plants in the garden have loads of tomatoes on them but without it being sunny I think they might not all get to turning red within time.
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