More sun, more weeding

I also built a bit more of the plot edging using the old decking from the garden, a “long term project” which is in it’s second year. The aim, apart from using up old bits of decking wood) is to keep the long grass and weeds from the main path coming into the plot, to hopefully slow down bindweed finding it’s way in. This is helped a bit by lining the edge with plastic too as a bit of a barrier. It doesn’t work as good as it should do, but it does make it easier and makes a definite edge between the plot and the path. I dug down deep to do this and was surprised by still being big bits to bindweed root deep down. This was all by the raspberries and all the work I have done with the raspberries has all been worth it. Looking at them today was pleasing as by this time of the year it would normally be a mess of raspberries, bindweed and the wind blowing it all over. This year there is good spacing, no visible bindweed after a quick weed, and the canes that have grown tall this year are all contained.

I tidied up around the courgette plants which are still liking the mixed weather. They do seem a good month behind though which probably makes sense seeing as I planted them out a month late.

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