Weekly Harvests 13th Aug 23

13th August 2023

There are some harvests we did a while ago but have since been undercover drying, these being garlic and onions. I planted less of each this year, garlic out of choice and onions out of necessity. We grew no onions at the plot in the hope to get rid of allium leaf minor so these are all from the garden. I dug up the last row of potatoes at the plot.

.In the garden we are picking most things, waiting for tomatoes to turn red but having the ones that do straight away.

The replanted raspberries have not all grown well this year, maybe next year they will all recover. Those that have done that already are giving large raspberries, possibly a sign that they are liking being less crowded and less covered in bindweed. This is not the case for the abandoned plot next to us and his blackberries which, with neglect, are battling with grape vines and bindweed. All the same, I have been able to pick some blackberries.

2023 B/F £137.80

garlic – 17£11.90
onions – 3.426kg£3.43
spring onions – 157g£1.26
tomato – 60g£0.53
runner beans – 760g£5.30
french beans – 1.540kg£8.56
chillies – 6g£0.10
beetroot – 802g£3.21
carrots – 240g£0.14
potatoes – 5.224kg£5.22
RUNNING 2023 TOTAL £177.45

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