Bad Fence

We have a nice area of decking, we can sit at the table, we can see the Clematis growing up the fence which is all rather nice.   We built the decking a number of years ago which replaced an grotty looking patio and steps and what was once a tiny pond.  We wanted something a bit more baby friendly, and the decking really did, and still does, expand the house as an area to play and so have given us years of great use.

Just one problem is one fence panel which has been quickly put up and repaired each winter as various bits of it fall off.  It’s not our fence, but it affects us, so we did something about it by screening it with a brush type fence.    At the moment I just put a couple of batterns across the fence and tied the brush fence to that, but a longer term solution will be to make a proper frame for it and put it up correctly.  For now, it has transformed the area, all we need now is a hot summer and plenty of evenings sitting out in the garden.

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