I’ve kept this photo quite large, I like how the little ant is climbing up too. Just one of the many dandelions in the new grass in the front garden. Some may not like them and think a lawn full of dandelions looks messy, but for just a couple of days we had a lawn full of them all with the ‘fairys’ still intact. It didn’t last long, with the wind and with help of Tom and Jack, they soon started to look messy and past their best.
I mowed the grass over the weekend, but left a bit in the middle uncut and unkept. The seed didn’t really take too well although time will tell, but last year I did sow wild medow flower seed and so I would like to give that a chance this year. I like the “wild” look, not so much the messy and unkept look – things need to be managed, but managed in a bit of a way that means we don’t end up with a sterile garden.
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