Weekly Harvest 10th Dec 2019

10th December 2019

It is all about leeks and sprouts, and parsnips. I found some more coloured carrots but it really be the last lot now. I’ve moved onto the transplanted carrots which I planted when I thought the main carrots were not going to come to anything. These are all a bit wonky, but they are still carrots.

I nearly forgot to pick sprouts, they have just been growing on their own without much trouble and suddenly they were all there. I think we are going to be eating sprouts quite a bit this winter, which should be nice for everyone.

B/F £250.59

Sprouts – 110g£0.22
Leeks – 342£0.75
Carrot – 224£0.16
Coloured Carrots – 76g£1.01
Parnsip – 346£0.48
RUNNING 2019 TOTAL £253.21

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