Weekly Harvest 13th August 2019

13th August

Last visit I picked all the cucumbers I could see, today there were 13 new ones all ready! I also picked our first lot of runner beans which have been battered by the wind and rain recently. Thinning the carrots is giving a mixture of Nantes and some long slim yellow and white ones.

Last month I spent no money, this month I am prepping for winter with the first purchase of seed potatoes for Christmas.

B/F £139.02

Ridge Cucumber 17 £23.63
Courgette – 1.172kg£2.41
French Beans – 348g£2.35
Raspberry – 214g£2.45
Beetroot – 485g£1.62
Chard – 75g£0.56
Carrot – 102g£0.08
Coloured Carrot – 87g£1.16
Runner Beans – 527g£3.18
Rhubarb – 317g£1.19
Seed Potatoes£6.00
RUNNING 2019 TOTAL £169.85

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