Weekly Harvest 15th Dec 20

15th December 2020

The last of the beetroot was pulled from the garden. It was a cold a dark day (like most days recently it seems) and so I thought I would make more beetroot chutney as we seem to quite like it. Beetroot has been good this year, I gave up with sowing in pots and transplanting them into the ground and just sowed them direct in two rows – and they were more successful than last year at the plot. It leaves just turnips, parsnips, spinach and kale in the garden.

On the plot we have a selection of small swedes, some of them are even traditional swede shape which is a bonus. At around 200g they seem a perfect size to add to a meal for two, no left overs to get forgotten about in the fridge and so I’m happy with that.

We are picking sprouts which is always good. Chopped up and fried with bits of bacon is quite nice. I don’t think we are going to do too well this year but I thought that last year so I haven’t given up. What we do have will be good.

2020 B/F £300.42

swede – 207g£0.10
sprouts – 100g£0.20
beetroot – 417g£1.39
RUNNING 2020 TOTAL £302.11

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