Weekly Harvest 7th July 20

7th July 2020

A welcome return to french beans, we had success with these in our first year but bad weather meant the next year not much happened even though we planted a lot more. I blame cold wind which seemed to kill them all off over a weekend. This year, same number planted, a mixture of deep purple ones and yellow ones, sheltered in the garden. They did not much for weeks and then suddenly came to life and now we have beans all over the place! We like french beans. We are pulling beetroot from the garden too.

This is the last week of the peas, they are dying off but I do keep finding the odd pod here and there. Overall we have harvested nearly 1kg of peas this year which is all rather good.

I keep recording strawberries, but the harvests hardly register when compared to last year. The plants on the plot have not done much at all, while those still in pots at home have done what they could.

We will be pulling the rest of the onions and the shallots this week, but in the meantime we found one of two that we missed the other week and so took them home.

Lastly, cherries have featured daily in what we eat and we are now giving them away to anyone who will take them. At nearly 3kg so far this year, there are still loads on the tree but I can’t face picking any more of them. We don’t have many visitors to the house these days, but those who do come to see us, leave with a bag of cherries….

2020 B/F £83.63

Peas – 410g£0.63
Shallots – 17g£0.05
Strawberries – 73g£0.37
French Beans – 260g£1.73
Onions – 9g$0.01
Raspberry – 42g£0.56
Cherries – 1.74kg£11.18
Beetroot – 353g£1.18
RUNNING 2020 TOTAL £99.34

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2 thoughts on “Weekly Harvest 7th July 20

  1. Hi Steve. If you have any spare leek plants will you bring them at the weekend because I can’t get any. Also we would welcome some of your surplus cherries. Looking forward to seeing you all. C

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