Weekly Harvest 17th July 22

17th July 2022

Soft fruit and beetroot mostly. Not as much fruit as last year, in fact one blackcurrant bush seems to have given up. Beetroot at home and on the plot is ready and we are pulling them as we need them.

There hare not yet been a “night of the potatoes” as we are digging a couple of plants each week as needed. All the time the weather is so good there seems little reason not to store them in the ground where they are.

The have picked most of the peas now and I expect in a week or two we will pull up the remaining plants but not before we have picked another bowl or two of peas.

Over wintered red onions have been drying in the sun for a number of weeks and so I thought it was safe to say they had dried off enough to store. We have similar with the white onions but I didn’t get time to sort them out this week.

Suddenly we have lots of french beans, and I spotted a single carrot that looked like it would be worth pulling. Our carrots did not do great germination but we do have some of them both in the garden and at the plot.

We picked our first (small) courgette of the year, probably opening the floodgates….

2022 B/F 137.13

chilies – 5g£0.07
courgette -89g£0.22
raspberry – 60g£0.80
beetroot – 1.101kg£4.40
spring onion – 126g£1.01
peas – 650g£0.90
blackcurrant – 690g£9.20
redcurrant – 160g£2.40
potato – 964g£0.96
pink fir potatoes – 520g£3.12
red onion – 1.091kg£1.09
french beans – 177g£1.19
carrot – 6g£0.05
RUNNING 2022 TOTAL £162.41

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