Weekly Harvest 27th July 22

27th July 2022

We bought in the rest of the onions that have been drying, that’s it now for the year and quite happy with the harvest – although it could/should had been much more if allium leaf minor had not got in the way. I’m pondering about giving the plot a rest next year from onions and growing them in the garden instead, or maybe covering with insect netting straight away.

I’ve been digging potatoes as needed once again, although within a week or too I’ll have to dig up the rows, especially if it starts to get wet. Fortunately the weather is still very dry, not anywhere as hot as last week, but not wet.

Wild blackberries are now available around the edge of the plot, I picked enough for the week and made a blackberry and apple ‘custard’ tart. I’m hoping there will be many more next week.

We picked the last of the peas before pulling them up. I’ve watered them a lot over the last weeks and it has really shown, a great harvest in what has been the hottest time ever. While pulling up the old plants I discovered a number of self seeded tomato plants, so where we once had peas we now have tomatoes. These will be seeds from the homemade compost.

It is now french bean time, picking every other day and before you know it there are loads more.

2022 B/F 162.41

chilies – 8g£0.10
spinach – 10g£0.06
onions – 3.629kg£3.63
beetroot -856g£3.42
spring onion – 230g£1.84
peas – 87g£0.12
blackberries – 260g£3.90
potato – 1.115kg£1.12
pink fir potatoes – 255g£1.53
french beans – 470g£3.17
carrot – 36g£0.03
RUNNING 2022 TOTAL £181.33

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