Weekly Harvest 10th April 23

10th April2023

Purple sprouting is so deceptive, you think it’s just all leaf and never going to do anything, nothing else in the plot is growing in the middle of winter and then…. lots of purple heads start to appear. It has been late this year though, normally we would be picking in March and maybe even the end of February. We have been picking loads each time we visit and it has made it all worth while once again. If you are not quick then it soon goes to seed.

Likewise, rhubarb which was hardly showing last month has turned massive and we are having problems keeping up (bearing in mind that our freezer is full of last years). We are giving a lot of it away.

2023 B/F £8.81

purple sprouting – 425g£4.81
rhubarb – 800g£7.30
RUNNING 2023 TOTAL £20.92

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