Weekly Harvest 24th Jan 23

24th January 2023

The swedes came and went, we hardly noticed them this year. The seedlings came to little and by that time it was a bit late to buy plants, but I did it anyway. The ones we got were nice but they were all very small. On the other side, we are still pulling beetroot with now one or two looking a bit eaten but all the good ones we are roasting. Parsnips, if the ground had not been frozen so much we would have been eating more.

I bought a small bag of seedling compost, which has peat in it. I’m hopeful this will be better than last year’s peat free stuff. I sowed leeks and chillies indoors.

2023 B/F £1.41

beetroot – 326g£1.30
seedling compost£1.99
parsnips – 368g£0.52
swede – 450g£0.23
WEEK TOTAL £2.05£1.99
RUNNING 2023 TOTAL £1.47

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